Welcome to Talk BrickSeek, our new BrickSeek Community!



Getting Started with Talk BrickSeek

When you first visit our Talk BrickSeek community, you’ll have to sign in with your BrickSeek account if you’re not already signed in on BrickSeek. Once you’re logged in, you’ll be taken to the community home page, which by default is sorted by “Latest” and you should immediately see different deal posts within tiles.


As mentioned, the page defaults the view to Latest. You can change the sorting to whatever you prefer and here is a quick breakdown of the different page views and sorting:

  • Latest - shows all of the newest posts or posts with recent comments
  • Top - shows the most active posts within a given timeframe
  • New - shows only the most recent new posts to the community
  • Unread - shows posts that you are currently tracking or watching
  • Categories - shows all of the different categories where topics are posted, which is used for easy community navigation.


The easiest way to navigate the new community is to use the Categories sorting. Talk BrickSeek is made up by 5 main categories:

  1. BrickSeek Open Area - this area is accessible by all registered BrickSeek members (Free, Premium, and Extreme). Within the BrickSeek Open Area there are 3 subcategories:
  • Product Discussion - this area will be used to have product specific discussions on items and will eventually be integrated directly on to the BrickSeek website.
  • Deal Discussion - this area is used for finding and sharing deals with the community.
  • Lounge - this area is used for off-topic discussions not related to specific deal posts or product discussions.


  1. Premium Members Area - this area only accessible to Premium and Extreme members. Within the Premium Members Area are 6 subcategories:
  • Premium Member’s Deal Discussion - this area is used for finding and sharing deals with Premium and Extreme members.
  • Premium Member’s Lounge - this area is used for off-topic discussions not related to specific deal posts or product discussions.
  • Like-New Deals - this area is brand new and is specifically for sharing open box deals found across the web that wouldn’t normally fit in with the new deals found at most retailers BUT these deals could be absolute bargains!
  • Price Protection Deals - a place for finding, sharing, and discussing deals that can be obtained by using the Price Protection benefits on participating credit cards.
  • BrickSeek FB Group Posts - a place to review all of the deal posts from the BrickSeek Deal Group on Facebook.
  • BrickSeek Exclusives - this area is used by our BrickSeek Staff to offer exclusive deals with our community that we’ve obtained from vendors.


  1. Extreme Members Area - this area is only accessible to Extreme members. Within the Extreme Members Area are 3 subcategories:


  1. Buy, Sell, Trade - this area is a designated place for members to buy, sell, and trade BrickSeek related finds with other members. The BST is made up of 3 subcategories:


  1. Getting Started - this category is where people go to find help or to learn more about the community. Helpful guides and tutorials, community rules, and the FAQs all reside here.


Viewing Posts

Clicking on any post will open it to view its contents and any applicable comments. The example below is from our BrickSeekDealBot, which finds and shares deals to our community. The typical deal post will contain an image of the item, a description of where the deal was found, a price, and will also usually include some additional information about the online price as well as how common the discounted price can be found.


Like this post? Clicking the heart icon will show your appreciation to the original poster and helps encourage others to continue sharing! Want to reply to the post?


Click Reply to join in on the talk. Let everyone know if you scored this deal or what you think about it by replying to the post. There are two ways to reply -- one is to comment on the entire post and the other is to reply to a specific comment within that post.


You can also turn on notifications for a post as well by Watching a post, which will notify you of every new reply on the topic. Tracking a post will show you a count of new replies in this topic when you’re viewing the deal feed with the “Unread” view selected.




Each deal post should have tags included in the post as well, which makes it easy to find and sort deals based on specific tags. In this example, the deal tags show that it’s an in-store deal, it’s a deal at Target, and there are some additional specific category tags like dolls, toys--games, and lol-surprise.




As mentioned above, each deal post to the community should have tags added to them. You can use these tags to find deals specifically assigned with certain tags and you can also set up notifications to be emailed whenever new posts with that tag get added to the community. You can see the list of all of the current tags by clicking in the main community navigation menu and then selecting Tags.

Once viewing the tags, you can click on any of them to see all posts with that tag applied to them. There are a lot of different tags for products but some of the most common tags are:

  • in-store
  • Online
  • Walmart
  • Target
  • Lowes
  • Electronics
  • Tools
  • Fb-posts
  • Open-box


To set up email notifications for new posts, you’ll go to your account preferences and then navigate to the Notifications section. In this section you can customize how you want your notifications to work as well as setup different types of notifications -- notifications based on new topics created within specific categories, based on specific tags, or you can suppress any notifications based on specific users.


To set up notifications based on categories, click on “Categories.” Now you can set up Watching, Tracking, Mute, or Watch First Post based on categories. Simply click in the field box for which ones you want to configure and then you can select which categories you want to be notified for. In the example below, this account will be Watching the BrickSeek Exclusives and Like-New Deals categories, so they will be notified via email of any new posts or replies within these categories (this could generate a TON of emails depending on what categories you follow). When finished, make sure you apply the “Save Changes” button at the bottom!


To set up notifications based on tags, click on “Tags.” Now you can set up Watching, Tracking, Mute, or Watch First Post based on specific product tags. Simply click in the field box for which ones you want to configure and then you can select which specific tags that you want to be notified for. In the example below, this account will be Watching any new open-box posts and will also be tracking any posts with the electronics tag.




Badges will be a big part of our new community and they can be earned by accomplishing different things. For example, liking a post will earn you the First Like badge, adding an emoji to a post will earn you the First Emoji badge, and there are many other easy to obtain badges. Some badges are harder to earn than others and we will be looking to boost the impact of badges within the community as well as finding ways to reward and recognize members for achieving certain ones over time.


To view your current badges, visit your account profile and then click on the Badges tab.


You can see the list of all of the available badges by clicking in the main community navigation menu and then selecting Badges.


Searching for posts

There is a search bar available to make it easy to search the community for existing posts. This can be helpful to find previous posts that you’ve viewed or to find new ones that you haven’t read yet. You can search for posts by specific users, posts by specific tags, and a lot more.

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