The Deals Page

The Deals pages are a great way to find savings on items both in store and online. You don’t have to be a Premium or Extreme member to find great deals in these pages but do keep in mind that items are seen by Extreme members first and then Premium members before they’re displayed to the public. The Deals pages are always being updated by our system so it changes quite often during a day so it’s always a good idea to revisit this page at least daily to see new content. Whenever you find an in-store item that you’re interested in, click on the product tile to visit our BrickSeek Snapshot page for that item and be sure to check local inventory to see if that deal is available locally to you! As always, local prices and quantities are always subject to change so it’s always great practice to use the inventory checker for real-time info before leaving for the store.  

Accessing the Deals Page

Let’s take a look at the Deals pages so that you can learn what it is and how you can use this page to help you find great deals.

Accessing the Deals page is quite simple. From the homepage, click on the word Deals at the top of the menu bar.

Viewing the Deals Page

Now that you’re viewing the Deals page, you’ll notice that by default it loads by Trending Deals. This can also be changed in the sort by drop down to Newest or by Most Liked. Like many other BrickSeek pages, you’ll notice that each deal is located in its own tile. The tile includes the title of the deal; the reported MSRP; the lowest commonly found price; a % off bar; and a view deal button that will take you to the BrickSeek Snapshot page. If you are an Extreme or Premium member, you may also see the current membership level banner at the top of the tile to indicate whether or not that item is exclusive to a particular membership level or not.



Deal Tiles

Here is a closer look at the deal tiles that were described above.Screen_Shot_2019-05-03_at_4.13.28_PM.png


Page Navigation

Now that you’re getting familiar with the Deals page, it’s time to scroll through these deals to find items that may interest you. The prices displayed in the deal tiles are from the time that the system detected the deal, and they’re always subject to change, especially with the online deals. When you scroll all the way down to the bottom of the page you will see how many deals are currently being displayed; and you’ll have the option to navigate to the next page, previous page, or you can manually input which page you want to navigate to.



Applying Filters

You’ll also see product filters on the left column of this page that will allow you to filter and sort the deals. For example, if you previously saw a LEGO product on one of these pages and want to find it again, you can apply a Brand filter on the left column to filter the page to display only LEGO products.



As mentioned previously, the Deals page is sorted by Trending deals first. You can also change this to sort by Newest as well by most likes using the Sort By drop down menu in the upper right corner of the page.


Sorted by Trending deals:



Sorted by Newest deals:



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