Online Markdown Feed
These pages are populated with items that have been marked down specifically online, instead of in-store. The Online Markdown Feed pages are updated by our system when new deals are detected across the web. This is an exclusive Extreme membership feature, and it's a great way to find deals without having to leave home. Online deals are always subject to change due to limited stock or temporary sales, so you’ll definitely want to act quickly!
Accessing the Online Markdown Feed
Let’s take a look at the Online Markdown Feed pages so that you can learn how to use them to find great deals online.
To access the Online Markdown Feed pages from a desktop browser, you’ll first have to hover over the Members Area menu and then click on the Online Markdown Feed link.
Viewing the Online Markdown Feed
Now that you’re viewing the page, you’ll notice each deal is located in its own tile. The tile includes the retailer where the deal was detected; the name of the item; the newest detected price; the previously known price; a timestamp of the recent detection; the MSRP; and a Buy Now button that will direct you to the retailer’s website to purchase it. By default, these deals are all sorted by time but can be sorted by Discount or Markdown via the Sort By dropdown in the upper right corner.
Deal Tiles
Here is a closer look at the Online Markdown Feed deal tiles that were described above.
Page Navigation
Now that you’re getting familiar with the Online Markdown Feed page, it’s time to scroll through these deals to find items that may interest you. Remember, the stock status and prices displayed here are from the time that the system detected the deal, and they’re always subject to change. The Feed is constantly updating. When you scroll all the way down to the bottom of the page, you will see how many deals are currently being displayed; and you’ll have the option to navigate to the next page, previous page, or to manually input a page number.
Applying Filters
You’ll also see product filters on the left column of this page that will allow you to customize your results. You can filter by retailer, by categories, and by brands. For example, if you only wanted to see online deals from, you can select that retailer from the Stores filters list.
You can also filter the page for deals posted only within a certain timeframe. With online deals being subject to change so quickly, you may or may not want to see all of the deals posted within the last 72 hours. The more recent the deal is, the more likely that the price and stock will be available; but some deals may go unnoticed and can still be found by extending the Timeframe in the upper left corner.
By default, the Online Markdown Feed is sorted by Newest deals first. You can also change this to sort by Discount or by Markdown by using the Sort By drop down menu in the upper right corner of the page.